Sunday, November 4, 2018

10/2/18 A dirty joke for my Mandarin I class, illustrating the importance of accurate pronunciation while learning to speak Chinese

A dirty joke for my Mandarin I class, illustrating the importance of accurate pronunciation while learning to speak Chinese

Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 10:50 AM

From my Chinese language learning blog from last year:

Here is the home page for the blog itself:

And here is the section for your class, in reverse chronological order with the most recent entry on top (from this past January, when I needed to take a break from teaching for ALESN because of work obligations):

If you scroll down and keep clicking "older posts" -- or if you look to the right side of the screen and scroll down and select the earliest 2017 postings in the Mandarin I category, you can read all of last year's entries that will correspond with everything that I am going to teach you between now and the end of January/beginning of February 2019. At that point, I will most likely pick up where I left off and write brand new blog entries for the rest of the academic year, covering the additional material in our book.

Best wishes to all and see you in 2 weeks,

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