Hi Everyone,
Yet again, I am delinquent in
sending out my weekly summary and notes email for what we covered in
last Monday's class. Hopefully, everyone reviewed the material that we
covered in last class and will come to class tomorrow night ready to
continue with Lesson 3 Dialogue 2: Inviting Someone to Dinner, which we will begin tomorrow night.
Last Monday, we began class by reviewing the numbers in all of their glory as covered by Lesson 3 Dialogue 1, and then reiterating the first several, very detailed grammar points and their charts on pages 70-75. If you haven't already memorized the following, you need to asap:
- the numbers from 0 to 99
- basic telling of dates and time
- the 3 systems for telling days of the week
- the 12 months
- the syntax (word order) for telling complete dates in Chinese ("Sunday, March 31, 2019" said in the proper Mandarin word order)
- the various vocabulary words and concepts introduced on pages 74 to 75, allowing you to tell time in 15 minute increments or according to the exact time (3:17)
I know this is a lot of new information, but you just need to memorize it.
All of it.
Sorry, not sorry.
Following a review of the numbers and all of the charts mentioned above, I went over the 3 additional non-numerical grammar points on pages 76-77:
- The use of DE as " 's " ("apostrophe s") to suggest possession and when it can be omitted when speaking of close personal and family relationships. We actually covered this briefly way back before Christmas break, when we first saw DE and a few students asked about this exact topic. Please review the way your textbook explains this concept on the top of page 76 and come to class with any questions regarding eliminating or requiring DE for "apostrophe s" for close personal relationships and family members.
- The sentence structure of "I will treat you to dinner." WO3 QING3 NI3 CHI1 FAN4. Please review this and come to class tomorrow with any questions regarding the grammar or syntax (specific word order in Mandarin Chinese) of this sentence.
- Alternative Questions (asking about this OR that). "Is it this OR that?" "Did you do this OR that?" Etc... In this case, we are learning to use HAI2SHI TO ASK THIS OR THAT QUESTIONS. Please note that HAI2SHI is used in questions, but either a spoken pause (a comma is used in written English and Chinese) or HUO4ZHE3 (not covered yet) are used IN STATEMENTS (i.e. in responses to HAI2SHI questions). We will see this again in future lessons when choice questions are asked. Please study the 4 examples, as well as a possible response using a spoken pause (written comma) in example 4 on page 77.
From here, I quickly reviewed Lesson 3 Dialogue 1's vocabulary and dialogue, so we would remember what happened, as you all needed that information for the Language Practice exercises that you did in small groups and pairs on pages 78-82.
We finished out the class with me walking around helping everyone with
any questions regarding the Language Practice exercises for Lesson 3
Dialogue 1.
Please review this material before tomorrow's class, if you haven't already. Tomorrow night we will jump right into the next Dialogue and its vocabulary on pages 83-85.
See everyone tomorrow night!

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